Painting a table

bluepenwords ๐Ÿ’™ avatar

Describe the most ambitious DIY project you’ve ever taken on.

I had an old small table. I don’t know what type it is. It’s a small, square table. It was my father’s and the table top had been damaged. So I had replaced it with another one.

Now, I’m really not an artist, and absolutely not a painter. But I really wanted to give that table a makeover. So, after my college got over, I started working on it. I sanded it all the way, till it was all shiny. That was very tedious and it took me a lot of time. I had everything, myself included, covered in dust.

Then my uncle told me to add polish to the paint, for a glossy look. I first painted the tabletop your everyday brown. But I wanted more colours. So I went and bought more paint. I tested my skills on a plastic stool, and then started my work.

I painted the legs and then went on to add details. I first wanted to paint water on it. But, nothing happens the way I want it, so it ended up being flowers.

Needless to say, I enjoyed the whole process and was proud of the final result.

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